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For the first time since I started this Patreon thing I am working on a commercial set, so I thought maybe apart from the pre production stuff you get whenever I release something, I'll also give you a bit of a look behind the scenes of what I am working on.  

So, the set in question will be called "Battle of the Jizzards" and it will be the first set in the "Chronicles of Ekfylia" series, basically a label to slap on all gonzo sets in my fantasy setting. Technically "Bride and the Beast" is also part of the Chronicles of Ekfylia retroactively ... 

Where do I start with these sets? Well with the fantasy world it is a lot more easier, because I do a lot with Twelf and her friends. However I came across this male Malificent inspired attire on an asset site and with Twelf now being all magic and all, thought this might be an interesting idea. A magically improved fuck off between Twelf and a rival sorcerer.

I wanted to incorporate a couple of things in this set:

A) present Twelf and her new "passenger" mechanic ... aka make her switch from submissive to dominant at some point when the passenger "takes over"

B) incorporate slime creatures of some kind, as this was something I had played around with for a patreon set before and couldnt get working. I am stuborn. I want it to work.

C) Make a gonzo set without much story setup

D) Play around with a bit of a gender fluid partner for Twelf. You can only do alpha studs and futa chicks so many times.

The result is a roughly 70 img set that has both submissive, slutty Twelf getting DPed by two slime boys and aggressive, dominant "demon" Twelf fucking her sorcerer foe to an inch of his life so that she can rescue the kidnapped merchant assistant.

I had a lot of fun with this set, because it just birthed itself easily and was fun to do with some challenges that made me learn things.


Someone's feeling "horny"
Slime bois mean boobie squish goes full 360 to not see any clipping
Cool girls don't look at "explosions"
DPs with the "equipment" sizes I usually work with are hard to do. Lot of sausage and not a lot of real estate. This one turned out fine tho


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