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I’m not in love with the notifications, or the bizarre inclusion of an optional chat page and when there’s discord integration already. It was already difficult to see when someone left a comment, now it’s much more difficult. I’m a bit obsessive at checking comments though, so I’ll still try my best to reply. If only they would categorize them.

Most of all, I’m gonna miss all the default fox face avatars, however . Rest in peace.

Also, the new way the app is sorted is kind miserable, but I think it’s meant to show patrons posts from people they support that they would have otherwise missed. It gives you the impression that the people you’re supporting have created more stuff recently, or genuinely shows you something you missed. That’s kind of cool, but the way it’s all spaced out makes it difficult to find some things. Rest assured that they know better than we do I guess.?



I somehow doubt they actually know better than most of the artists that use it


Yeah, I can’t fathom that personally. They must have run this by some Patreon creators first right? somebody liked it I guess.


I'm supporting over a dozen artists/creators, now if I want to find someone's recent post I have to scroll for days on the "recent" tab to find it... ah, irony. They can change the look all they like, just give me my Feed back!

Viro Veteruscy

Yeah, I hate it when sites change things to be more generic and dumb-down their logos to just basic shapes or lack there of. Aside from features users actually want, we always get weird additions that make things more complicated and harder to navigate when it was more streamlined before. Just have to get used to it or pray there's an option to change it back in the future.


i support a fair number creators as well, and I know basically all of their upload schedules. But now, with the way things are sorted, it kind of doesn’t matter when people post stuff just sort of shows up., I can’t say I’m fond of that.


I really don’t understand the “we don’t have a logo anymore. “thing they were saying. They’re gonna make a tool that lets us make our own version of the Patreon logo? The point of a logo is that it’s instantly recognizable it’s completely counterintuitive I don’t understand it. Also, it doesn’t look that much like a P, so it doesn’t really convey Patreon. You kinda have to infer that it’s a P. we’ll see how it goes, but Patreon isn’t really about rolling back change from what I’ve seen


I know the new logo is supposed to be a P but it just looks like a unremarkable blob to me. So very forgettable and unimaginative.


i already had my thoughts about the logo on twitter [i hate the non silhouette logo so much]. the website layout is more annoying now as well :[


Just when you thought they couldn’t simplify a logo any more, they turn the “P” into an amoeba.


I sort of fail to see the point of this new notification feed. You'd think if they made changes to this site they'd make it easy to find your own likes. Before the update I had to manually type https://www.patreon.com/user/likes to look-up my own liked patreon posts. Now it's just broken and impossible. And yeah the new logo just looks like a smudge. Not that the old one was much better. Funny enough if you CTRL+F5 you can see the old logo in the corner for a second. This site is broke


i didn't even know there was a way to see posts you had liked lol. hopefully this is just a weird stumbling block and things smooth out

rockninja3 .

Ah, another case of "well we can't fire the design team but we also don't have anything for them to do..." needless changes, no real improvements, we're youtube now.


A little disappointing. They are allowing people to sell individual works / video etc, which is neat, but i don't think those features are live, and i'm not sure they'll be allowed for adult content creators, as many new features aren't. Can't complain too hard though, it's still patreon.