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Just a little heads up!

My hands have been pretty bad the past couple months, and it's impacting my ability to draw (literally, lines aren't going where i try to put them), so i need to dial it back a little bit.

Long story short, SMWTOB is the most labor intensive comic i've ever done, with most pages taking multiple days to finish. Stacked on top of that is the extra load from coloring the suggested sketches. I was working on two comics concurrently, and 2 sketch suggestions minimum per week. It's unsustainable, and i hurt myself doing it.

I feel the comic's weekly release is non-negotiable, as it's the primary draw of being a patron here. The only other thing is the sketch suggestions.

I pride myself on being fairly prolific, but that pride is causing constant injuries that pile up.


I suppose then, that in order to continue making art, i need to take a break from sketch suggestions. I'm going to do the one for the 4star tier, because they're paying 50 bucks basically just for that, but i need a little break, guys. I've been going nonstop for years and its just making my hands worse.

You know me. The last thing i want to do is get less out, but if i keep this up i won't be able to draw. That's simply not an option.

I'm getting in touch with the surgeon i spoke to a couple years ago, and will try to get another nerve conduction study done to make sure my fingers are actually getting the signals i'm sending to them, but ultimately i think i just need a little rest. 


Thank you all so much for understanding, and if you have any questions let me know,


I will still be doing the sketch poll as well. So my plans for this month are

  • 4 SMWTOB pages
  • 2 full color illustrations. (one suggestion, one poll winner
  • - finishing the first of 3 planned creature sheets (one of which is a little more than half done



Health comes first certainly, I'm sure most if not all of us can agree on that.


As I always say when creators make posts like this: Don't force yourself to keep making stuff if something feels wrong. I'm sure I speak for most of us when I say we'd rather you take the time to prioritize your health so you can come back strong when you're ready, rather than push yourself to the breaking point and then give up entirely.


I mean it's definitely a balancing act. I've been overworking my bad hands for years, but in order to keep things stable or growing here, there's an expectation of media created by you all supporting it. If i don't deliver, there's a bit of a pendulum hanging over it all, and i try really hard to keep things moving smoothly. Early on maybe i set expectations for pics per week too high, but back then it seemed like that was the only way to get people interested in joining up. Thank you, and everyone here though, for the kind sentiment. I really appreciate hearing it.

Viro Veteruscy

If you need to take a break so that your hands can heal/rest then go for it. Your health comes first.

Aquamon 16

Taking a break for your hands is a good idea. A friend of mine ended up with a wrist injury earlier this year and it impacted their ability to draw for a while.


Hey take care of yourself, Insomniac! Your health and safety comes above all else! Hope youre hands feel better soon so you'll not be in as much pain


I would like to join the voices here saying that your health comes first, and I will be more than happy for you to slow down (if not outright pause) and give yourself and your hands a rest. You've brought a lot of joy and a lot of spice into the world, and have earned my loyalty many times over for it. That won't change if you need to prioritize your health for a while <3

rockninja3 .

Should have drawn yourself new hands when they were working, smh. But for real, take your time man. Your art is worth the wait. That does bring up a good question: is there any *other* content you'd care to experiment with while you recover? could be a good chance to branch out experimentally.


I'd like to say that for similar priced tiers I've seen/joined, you're the creator who posts the most frequently, and by far. So personally I wouldn't mind things to slow down in longterm, especially if health is related. Take good care of yourself !


hey man, take it easy! it's super important to have your health as top priority so make sure you stay on top of that stuff! Sketches and games can come later! Hope the surgeon works out for you.


Hey I'd omit my 4-tier request this month too but I can only speak for myself and not the other ppl in it Take care of yourself


i’ve been doing too much for a very long time, honestly. hopefully giving it some extra rest resurrects it a little bit, because it’s been rough for a while. so far so good though, one week with a little extra rest had me doing a little better on monday, so i’mhoping that trend continues.


i really appreciate the sentiment, but i’m going to do the 4star suggestion post either way. a bit of extra rest does seem to be helping though