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Just another little doodle.

Burger really makes you think...

Honestly, i need to stop calling the things i make in 'sketch suggetsions' "Sketches". They're definitely not. They're inked, shaded, have backgrounds, and get a simple color treatment. This right here is a sketch lol.

Just 'Suggestions" doesn't have much of a ring to it though.


Anyway, i'll probably clean this up a bit later, too.



Jahan Renor

If you wanna keep the alliteration, you could call them "Smut Suggestions"


I keep thinking the burger is a drooling mouth


You know, i've heard this from like 3 people. I KIND of get it? It's meant to be like, held between a thumb and pointer finger only, from like 1/3 down the burger, so it's like splayed out and drooping.

Kaylos Stonecutter

When I first saw this my mind was 'conquer' as in she wants to eat that whole thing and challenge accepted as been activated. Although looking at it again, it could also be 'oh no' cause the burger is about to fall on her and it's gonan be a mess. XD