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My last month been like


In brief, there are rule changes on f a, and while there's a lot that could be said, and some that SHOULD be said, personally i felt the need to make this, to let other people know they're not alone in the miserable, vague terror that their galleries are now on the chopping block, in a way that users were not given any clear data to understand or protect themselves against. Everyone's just waiting on trouble tickets to come back and wave a magic wand, saying some of their pics at random now break the rules after being 150% fine for 16 years.

The situation's garbage, and 99% of the stress could be eliminated if they just gave users the list of now banned creatures.

But that's not going to happen, it seems.

So yeah, if nothing else, i'm also miserable and horribly stressed out about it, and have been every day since it was announced.


tags : jonah pockoon 




This whole situation really is garbage. The fact they're attacking pokemon and more feral critters specifically now is just ugh. This is why sites should simply allow users to blacklist what they do or don't want to see, and so long as it's fictional, whatever. Otherwise you get situations like this where, in trying to keep things tidy, they tighten the noose on anything even close to what isn’t allowed, and what can be allowed will always slowly dwindle, like so. It's such a shame the direction FA has been going.


yep =_= at this moment im just gonna be deleting any nsfw art of small characters i've done. cant wait to get through 17 years of stuff to delete :)


I genuinely hope that you do not have any eyes on you. I feel FA is getting worse by the day but I cant see why you would be taken down as they are more focused on the child-like mentality of the characters rather than just their size but yknow with all the changes they put out its good to be cautious.

Christopher Wagener

Maybe you should just preemptively move to furrynetwork or something. Then again I don't know if FN is any better.

Kaylos Stonecutter

There's a similar conversation in the journal entry. Basically there's no clean solution. Even E6 is turning into a bit of a chaos space from the ripples due to the TWYS element.

Viro Veteruscy

Yeah, it's all stupid. I know exactly how you feel especially when they cherry pick themes and say some are "inherently" adult. Hang in there *hugs* It's almost like an Adult Section or Mode would help out A LOT >_>


Honestly I'd just start porting to other websites, with something like PostyBirb you can post to like a dozen sites in one go. So, unless something happens to make EVERYTHING you do verboten everywhere, there should be at least one or two places it will stay up.


So far, what i've seen from people's tickets is confusing and inconsistent, yeah. It's disappointing to see, but that's why no single place should be your be-all-end-all, you know?


It's heartbreaking, for sure. As things stand, the only safe option is to remove anybody short. Personally, I'm waiting until they tell me more specifically what to remove, but i know the list will be pretty extensive.


No, from everything i've seen the characterization of a given character USED to be considered, but at this point it's just 'does it look sort of like this undefined goalpost? well, it should probably go, then' I'd love to be proven wrong, though. We'll see.


FN would be fine for passiontail. I've been considering biting the bullet and using postybirb, but i've always had little trust in a closed-source piece of software that needs my gallery logins to work.


Yeah unfortunately there doesn't seem to be a simple solution for it all. It's pretty rough in a lot of places


Fingers crossed! I'd say let's stay optimistic and worst case there are always other options~


So, while i personally disagree, i have seen a very large number of vore fans that would ardently defend their interest as SFW. I don't get it, personally, but i've never been one to tell people what they could and couldn't draw, so getting in that argument never suited me. There is an adult section or mode, by the way. If you're logged out, all you see is sfw stuff, theoretically. You can click 'sfw mode' on a profile page to swap into it anytime.


As said above, i've always been suspicious of Postybirb. Closed source software that needs my login credentials to my job and identity? I dunno. Still, if it WAS going to be a scam of some kind, it would have happened after all these year right? It's always smart to be in multiple places, and i do. I've just done it all manually to this point.

Viro Veteruscy

Yeah, vore can be either honestly. Just depends on the context as, for example, you can make a character hopping into the belly of their partner/friend for safety or something similar. And yeah, there are Adult Modes and other filters just people for whatever reason seem to either forget that those are on the site(s) or ignore them entirely and pretend they aren't there then bitch. Even with them, people can lie about their age (cause we've all done that) and after that there really isn't much else a site can do aside from making sure posts are tagged correctly. They pretty much did there job and still have to come up with bs like this.

Jahan Renor

Guh, yeah, I am sorry that you have to worry about this. If you *need* it, I think Forrest Wolf has made a script that lets people download their own galleries in an automated fashion.

enfoxes (Charmander)

The credential use thing is definitely uncomfortable, and so are random unaccountable .exes, but it seems like it’s actually open-source at least: https://github.com/mvdicarlo/postybirb