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  • Stocking Stuffer TL.mp4



Lighting a fire under the tree~


I was recently recommended to try a new thumbnailing method of blocking in silhouettes rather than constructing the forms, and wanted to give it a shot on this difficult perspective piece. It won't help for every kind of drawing, but i think it did some heavy lifting, here! Lemmurmint giving a smozumi the stocking stuffer treatment. 


Also, i've got a doctor appointment tomorrow, to see if i'm developing trigger finger on my pointer / middle fingers on my right hand. I think the problem is all the Smash i play, those fingers do a ton of work. So, depending on what the Dr. says, the poll winner might be pushed back a tiny bit. we'll see.

I was planning on taking the final week of december off, which is why the poll winner was scheduled to be done this week instead of next, but yeah, we'll see.


Time lapse attached below
