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  • Shopping Break TL.mp4



Enjoying a little breather~


dang, this took a long time!

Usually i turn down suggestions that require like, a lot of characters, or a lot of location work, or both. However, it HAS been a long time, and to be honest i'm pretty nostalgic about getting a drink with friends at some dumb coffee shop after hanging at the mall, and really wanted to do it.

So, here's most of the Passiontail crew, doing some holiday shopping and enjoying themselves.

Not terribly spicy, but Aurora and Blake have a bit going on under the hood at least~

... Is it a store where you get two pogo sticks? I have no idea.


Time lapse attached below



Viro Veteruscy

Lovely work, nice background :3


Looks great, love happy snake thing


Aurora has no business being as hot as she is goddamn 💦💦


Oh it was my suggestion that was a big ask? I hope it wasnt too tiring to pull off! Its a beautiful holiday pic to be sure though!

Rayne Blanc

This is adorable, I'd love to see more of the Passiontale folks just vibing


I love them all aaaa LONG BOIS in the background.


I’d love to, I just worry people would see it as a waste of the time the patreon affords me to work on it, I suppose. Keeping people happy to stay is a constant concern of mine.

Rayne Blanc

I get it, people can be brutal. I know what draws me to your work is the personality, though, and that shines through regardless of the content rating

Kaylos Stonecutter

Ideally, nice peaceful scenes, whether they're completely clean or just a touch suggestive, should also be enjoyable. That said I can understand wanting to make sure the good vibes stay coming while also not drawing your arms off. Perhaps put it to a vote or start adding some happy vibe suggestions into some of the polls and see what comes up?


that’s kind of you to say, thank you. glad to hear it’s appreciated regardless of how much dripping there is in the picture lol