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  • ITD 16 TL.mp4



edit : alright, this page is public, so you all get access to the high res~

I'm trying to finish all the set models today. Charlie's place is now done, I'm wrapping up the exterior of blake's house, and the subway tunnel just needs one adjustment to be good to go. I'd like to add maps and like, policy posters / in world ads to the subway, but i think we need to move onto the drawing portion of the comic.

Thanks for being patient, during the pre production period. I'm only one guy, this stuff takes time.

She's not one to keep her audience waiting


You know, i thought when writing this comic that having one character completely inside another character would simplify some shots, but whenever i have to show like, her looking at the video feed of him inside, suddenly i've gotta like draw another panel inside a panel and then perspective correct it to the screen lol. It's actually kind of involved! Still a real fun scene, though~

Jenny, resourceful as ever, just gets things moving with what she has on hand.


Also, i made some pretty solid progress on the animation on Friday. Most of the internals all have their in betweens done, and the less critical exterior shots all have their talk flaps and inbetweens to get her from one spot to another smoothly enough. I'm real excited to show you guys. Soon! Thanks for sticking with, if you liked the first part of Bite Sized, you're really gonna enjoy this.


Time lapse attached below~




gotta say, his expression in here in the screen is freaking cute ;w;


gotta keep the horde entertained. lovin this~

Ry Z

"I've never been this hard for something so weird." ---> every voreaphile's first reaction XD

Jeremy F. Ledesma

so is it time to find the hole to her intestine? just have Ian sick her in there and see the crowd react to her body forced to react.

Logan grant (edited)

Comment edits

2023-01-17 00:56:44 This is so hot 🤤🥰 and so dam cute too >w<
2022-11-01 09:33:35 This is so hot 🤤🥰 and so dam cute too >w<

This is so hot 🤤🥰 and so dam cute too >w<