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Edit : I'm working on them, so they're closed!

It's sketch suggesting time!

I'd like to draw some Alice doing Alice things, today.


Please suggest a sketch below, using any of the existing Passiontail Creatures.

Go to my Patreon page, and click "Passiontail Isle Species" to see all of the creature posts!

And optionally, suggest something I can create a creature based on, agreeing to the disclaimer below


"By submitting a creature / creature name suggestion in the comments below, you agree that InsomniacOvrlrd / Tom Smith gets all the rights to the characters he creates based on that information."


I'll be pulling from here tomorrow, see you then!



I'm a dummy. My sleep deprived brain got Alice and Daisy confused, ignore my deleted comment. Anyhow, here's my actual suggestion! Alice bragging to Jenny on the phone about her own new smol bug friend, said smol bug friend overwhelmed and squeezing her eyes shut in intense bliss as she lays eggs in her urethra. Perhaps she's in a video chat with Jenny, or even a stream, and she's holding the camera up to her sex, showing off how kinky she can be, and you can see Jenny's smol bug roomate peeking in from Jenny's end with a huge blush. An xray would complete the image, though of course only we would be able to see it~


How about one of streamer girls like for example Alice trying to compete with Jenny by showing she can stretch too? With a good angle for camera? ;3 Speculum, transparent dildo, you know what i mean. Show us the goods ;D


Alice is at a VERY expensive party and managed to get a Sinossum or Smozumi hooked up with her. Her habit of getting a quick fuck in while they're on the job has found it's way into the elite. Meanwhile she's bragging to her friends about it over the phone...again.


A post-blowjob picture with Alice and the Bullfrilly where her froggy friend is offering her some kind of dessert that she politely declines because she is bloated with cum and can't eat a thing.

Brass Dragon LP

Alice pushing her luck and her limits, has one of the bigger critters on his back and is straddling his cock. Dude is concerned, Alice is... Well, Alice, and overconfident.

Aquamon 16

Not in theme, but I have an idea you might like. Maybe a forbidden love/different worlds type relationship between a Kittimitt M and Tuskitee F underwater? Mane have them under ice and doing vaginal?


Tyraster m crouched low, almost sitting and looking around guilty as someone uses him as cover while getting him off. After last years Halloween party he doesn’t want to get yelled at again but he couldn’t resist their offer. Hint of Cragorus keeping up host duties; Jenny’s lurking again, maybe with a friend. Second can be whoever you like, maybe Rachel though I’m not sure it’s her thing. I wrote this yesterday and Alice is probably a better choice here. Sort of fits with Brass Dragon's suggestion, just different pose.


Joe the Swunnel lying on his back and getting a pawjob from Alice. Joe's having his prolonged climax, with a blissed out expression and absolutely drenched in cum. Might optionally also involve bottled Loboxin pheromones, or actual threesome with a Loboxin.