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  • ITD 04 TL.mp4



Edit : Alright! This page is now public, so those of you in the ☆ tier get the full res~

Let me introduce you to your pharynx. 


Spent a bit of extra time really honing the expressions, here. I'm pleased with how it all came out, especially the blep~

You'd be surprised how much art in this genre just completely ignores the pharynx, and just has a weird bottomless pit from the mouth, down. The hole she's looking for is kind of hidden in that space above the trachea. I presume when she sees it move when she breathes, she'll get the idea that's not what she's looking for~

Next page will be up on Monday


This comic is Patron Exclusive (☆☆+) for 3 months. Pages 00 and 01 are public, but 2 forward will only be uploaded here, for you all, until what, late november? something like that.


Time lapse attached below!




Proper throat anatomy really is a rare treat in vore, you're doing the heaven's work here!

Ry Z

Yep. A lot of vore art forget about the trachea/airway. I'm so glad you don't. One of the reasons I stuck around after that first comic with Daisy. :3


Yea. Amount of anatomycorrect throats i seen i can count on fingers od one hand of not cautious lumberjack... Great work as always :3 Btw, throat can slightly open even with trachea open ;3 small triangle hole would appear


love it when it isn't just a food tube. doing god's work insom!~


she has no right having a foodhole this attractive--

Viro Veteruscy

Nicely done page, good details with the throat


I wish there was more of it out there, to be honest! But i'm okay with being one of the few places to see it lol


Hey, thanks! Her trachea was a bit small for a creature her size, but i had to make up how hers worked. It's a little human, a little crocodile, a little snake. She's a weird dinosaur thing, after all! I'm glad you enjoy it


Yeah, it mostly depends on what the trachea is doing how hidden the esophagus is. She doesn't take long enough to justify spending a panel on it figuring it out~ and thanks!


She's just lucky, i suppose~ She definitely wasn't in the business of showing it off until this moment