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  • Bite Size_v2.mp4



Not quite a mouthful, but close~


Okay! We got an extra 5 seconds of animations in this version, which i plan to be the final version.

Cleaned up some stuff, added some stuff, all in all i think it's a lot better~

So yeah! I put an extra like 4 or 5 hours into it, so all in all we're at like 10 hours maybe? I think what we ended up with here is pretty good for that.

I'm trying to figure out of the next animation should be a rigged one, or another sketch anim like this.

So far we've got Jenny, Daisy and Aurora animations. For the main cast, we're only missing Alice (or molly, who sadly gets forgotten often~). I'll have to think about it. But for now, the comic is back to the friday slot, until another animations starts.


Anyway! I think this is some real spicy stuff, i hope you enjoy!




Even though its not a comic , an animation is always the best. Good job.


They're gonna get a comic, for sure. I just really wanted to try showcasing this act in an animation, to see if i could pull it off~ Thanks!


Well you definitely pulled it off, but I would never know if you start on their comic or a different one. I've been waiting quite some time for another comic with the two of them. But your in no rush.


Gorgeous! I can't overstate how great this is!


Hey thank you! I’m really pleased with what I managed to get out, here’s looking forward to the next one


Holy fuck this is looking really clean!

Aquamon 16

Was still hoping for an interior shot of him in the stomach


That animation already exists, though! I may make a part two to this though, for a new view on the situation