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  • A Peek TL.mp4



Just for a sec~


I have mixed feelings, tbh. On the one hand, no one in Passiontail seems to wear clothes, unless it relates to their job. A uniform, etc. But there's a lot of fun to be had disrobing? A fun beach Aurora seemed like a natural fit for a bit of this, but i do wonder, outside of the thrill of taking them off, why anyone there would wear clothes voluntarily?

It's a mystery.


I've got a bit of a surprise cooked up for tomorrow, for you fans of frame by frame animation in the ☆☆☆+ Tiers. It's a Daisy / Jonah sketch animation! I'll clean it up a tad, and add some frames here and there, but because it's like 35 seconds long, it's not destined for ink and color. Still! There's a lot of fun to be had with it~

So, I'll see you then!

Thanks for participating in Sketch Suggestions, guys!


time lapse attached below




This situation is so hotttt


in a world were wearing cloths is considered indecent~ I love her xD

Rayne Blanc

Why wear clothes at a beach? Bro, s a n d. Not fun in certain places.


I struggle with the same dilemma... Maybe some creatures choose to wear clothing like everyday people, but somehow it's just as normal as full nudity. Personally I think Aurora looks cute in a bikini. Same with others with her body type, even if the bikini was less revealing. I just like clothes on ferals and semi-anthros because it looks cute or nice, and maybe that's the only reason they need too. People don't just wear clothes to cover their genitals but for self-expression and status, too. So covering their genitals may not even necessarily be a statement nor invitation; just arbitrarily part of the get-up. For others maybe it really can be a means of self-control (but they don't let others know that). I think clothes can communicate things other than modesty.


Maybe you can make it so that clothes are optional and most wear them for either warmth or safety.