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  • DI 12 TL.mp4



Edit : Hey! This one’s now available to everyone~ Page 15 just went up today for the ☆☆+ tiers

Would have been good to know, going in.


That last panel is a little wordy, but sometimes you just can't escape it!

Oh, i added the time lapse to page 11, and the Jenny/Ian animation's ink is done. I'm just erasing parts that are behind other parts now, so it's very close to done!

I'm starting to think my panel borders / balloon ink is a tiny bit too thick. Maybe I'll adjust it next comic?


Time lapse attached below



Viro Veteruscy

Excellent work, great page :3


"Glued" the pussy shut? How useful!~ >://3c


Do you think she learned her lesson and will do research before taking on a duck or canines? Probably not lol

Rayne Blanc

omfg, that's gonna be messy later lmao


I really like that final panel posing! Not sure why. Just an oddly unique and very practical pair of stances given what they're recovering from. I guess after seeing characters splayed out and relaxed after sex for so long, its nice to see them recovering but also still perfectly lucid on their feet instead.


I have a feeling part of her fun is going in, confident, regardless of what she ends up with. Sometimes it works out better than others~


Hey thanks! She's a bit worse for wear than he is, after the whole thing, so him going over to help her to her feet seemed like the best thing to do. The big post-climax flop can be fun, but this is definitely not the time or place for them to do it

Rayne Blanc

Same! I tire of seeing invincible characters having perfect sex all the time. It's much hotter to see vulnerability and soul, and Insom's really good for that 👀