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Hey guys! Got a lot of stuff in this time. The wink is pretty cute! i'm lip syncing, so she's like actually talking (though i might simplify it a little, since people won't really be looking there...), more stuff from ian, some acting before he starts vibrating, as well as a number of other things.

Still a ways to go, but it's coming along!

I'm planning on grabbing the trial version of Toonboom to see if it isn't a little faster for this than CSP. The drawing tools in CSP are great but the timeline scrubbing is SO slow and managing the timeline is incredibly cumbersome.

I'm half considering just using aseprite to make a lower resolution pixel animation out of it, like Mabit or Camotli do, but i'm not sure i could get all the little facial things into that resolution smoothly. I have a lot of experience in the program, and the low resolution makes line wiggle a non-issue, but i dunno. It could save a lot of time, or it could save 0 time lol. Hard to say without trying it.




Love ians close up at the end with the camera


her faces all throughout are really cute, specially the bits before and after the climax~


Jenny is drop dead sexy~ I could definitely see her doing a cam girl series now XD


Tbh the way Ian crawls in there gives me vibes to the Bug from the Matrix. Idk why it popped into my head because I still find this animation sexy, but still.