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The pool's gonna need a new filter, for sure.


I was definitely dreading this one a bit. It was a fun idea, and was asked for last week as well, but it just didn't have it in me at the time. Even after simplifying the background as much as i could, it's still a pretty huge workload. Please, no more pools for a while! A pool needs a back yard, and a back yard needs a path, some shrubs, a fence, neighbor buildings, and so on lol. And on top of that, tyraster isn't a walk in the park to draw~

So i've been on this one for a while~

Also she's a little too small, but i think it'll do.

the official big boys chunk of the ref sheet. Maybe she's short~

Anyway! Thanks everyone for being here, it was another fun Sketch Suggestions day. I'll see you tomorrow with the final Passiontail Isle - Story 01 : Start With A Kiss page~


No time lapse, for the same reason as the other sketch! Got the template saved with recording on, for the future.




A lot of work but it looks great. And for sone reasons the condom on the ground got me thinking of how condoms are sold in there world. And now I the reader to think on it


Fabulous, I love the execution of this. Sorry about the pool but I wasn’t sure how else to get Orricane onto her back without it looking uncomfortable. Now we just need some color >:) you wouldn’t consider a commission in the near future would you?


oh dang, I didn't realize orricane was THAT big that's a lot of fish to love 👀💦💦

Viro Veteruscy (edited)

Comment edits

2021-10-30 22:48:58 Tyraster's got his priorities straight. Big THICC Orricane >w>
2021-10-22 10:06:47 Tyraster's got his priorities straight. Big THICC Orricane >w>

Tyraster's got his priorities straight. Big THICC Orricane >w>


I imagine either manufacturers specify within a size range, and some will have to be custom fits for certain species. One Size doesn't quite fit all, i suppose~


Yeah that's fair! They can fly though, so she could just kind of float in a comfortable position, presumably. Still, it's a fun shot. I appreciate it! But i'm not open for new commissions right this second, though i would really enjoy getting sponsored pics back in production, so there was more colored passiontail stuff out there! Anyway, glad you like it!


was this the same guy who had the beer kegs earlier? look s abit similar


lovely that he had a friend to meet up with after the drama at the party!