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What else are you hiding in there?


This is where we're going to be for the rest of the comic, so i hope you guys enjoy the docks! I guess a good amount of panel time is spent inside Daisy, though. That's sort of it's own set, i guess~

Enjoy your weekends, everyone!

(got this done a day earlier than it's scheduled, wanted to work on it~)


Forgot to run the recorder for this one, i'm afraid! I went through all the pages and enabled it, and saved, so that should be sorted out moving forward.




Our boy is playin the field I love it~


Have those two munchkins been going at it since the sketch phase or are they a new addition? Regardless, I think it's kinda cute they had a moment of passion during their picnic. And also that our two protagonists possibly had some nearby voyeurs, haha~


These new characters you made are awesome, love the personality you inject into that Tanuki character of yours a lot!


They're new, actually. The establishing shot does a decent job of showing off the dock, but there was just so much negative space i wanted to populate it with something, and a little background story is a favorite thing of mine~


I'm really glad you like them! And yeah, he's a lot of fun to draw. Cute, and just a little bit shifty~


“10:42: Find someone at lame singles party. 12:01: Watch videos alone until bed.” Damn, talk about pessimistic!

Dragon _hero76

Must admit, little guy got some 'balls'.


Tiny rodent hitting on a large sea creature who could gobble him up if the mood struck her? ...Yep, he's a lucky guy! 😜


that super small action with the smozumis is adorable, and the even tinier cups and straws makes it more funny though now I wonder if they're leaving the place shortly after or will get to see disaster unfold later there lol


Just saying as a suggestion. Pockoons have flashlight eyes, right? Would be cool if when they're excited or some other emotion, their eyes literally light up.