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Personally, i'm fine with frozunny being the new ice-butt that's going out with a cool deer guy, but i figure i have polls and i might as well use them~

So yeah.
Are you married to the icefox x deerbuddy pairing? The one i have still needs to be workshopped a bit, but i'm happy  to do so if everyone would rather see that pairing.

Or are you into a digitigrade icebuddy, that can do more positions, has hands, etc?

no end date, i'll tally it up whenever. I'm just curious, now that a real colored pic is out there.



Frozunny cuz like...yes please 🙏💦💦


I'm loving the bun!


Personally, I would like the icebunny to be with a canine but that is just my opinion. The deer x bunny is still pretty hawt


My thats quite the even split so far. Still, going to be tossing my vote for icebun, looks like a good pair and its super cute too.


As much as I love the bunny, I can't say I'm too enthused for her to be a replaceful for Aurora. She's just not a fox, you know? Spades are also super hot, and was one of my favorite things about Aurora aside from her personality and style.


Why not one of the foxes from the first concept session? I mean vulpix was a fox

Leaf Bug

I have no opinion either way


I think its just not the same, also I'm super fond of digitgrade characters.

Tao Bolton

To me, the new duo is great ♥ I don't see why compare them with the old couple, as they're not Aurora and Blake... But I'll be happy with either option.


I was going to make my own comment, but just copy/paste this one for me.


I'd prefer little fox, but that's more due to my aesthetic preference. Never was a fan of the "Huge Forearms, tiny biceps" trope. This is NOT me saying there's anything wrong with Ice-Bunny's design, just a personal thing.


I'm torn honestly. I like the fox/dear combo but a digitrade × feral can do so many nice new positions and scenarios. Have you thought about having a digigrade ice fox? Sort of like a mix of both ideas? I'll be happy with whatever you decide either way.


Personally, it was the less about the ice theme and more that the character was an adorable fox.


IMO the fox with the kitsune mask motif from concept session 1 should replace Aurora, it's not about the ice powers so much as the elegance and posh/playful demeanor


I love Frozunny don't get me wrong. but I also really like the booty ice fox concept that you had in the first session a lot.... I'm a spade lover lol


As long as there’s an adorable vixen idc


I vote for a new artic fox♡ a fluffy an cute vixen :D could even be a kitsune or a young kyubi, these could be interesting too specially bc these have powers that could help you to add a bit of lore more easily!


I feel like they're great characters on their own, but we need that carnivore/herbivore dynamic.