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Well, it was pretty expected based on the raw vote count, but the vote weight made this one incredibly one sided!

I'm planning on getting this out today. I saw the doctor, who said since my wrist pain gets better when i let it rest that things in there are most likely not permanently damaged. I'm getting scheduled to do a nerve test, to make sure it's all working, and after that, hopefully just letting it heal and building up the surrounding muscles should fix things?

If the nerve is damaged, they'll do surgery to open the carpal tunnel, but we'll see.

Anyway! This is sort of good news. I was getting worried i was going to be told to not use my wrist for a couple months, but he thinks the couple days a week i do here shouldn't cause any additional damage, as long as i focus on letting it heal the rest of the time.

So yeah, im going to do this today, a day early, and then on friday i'll thumbnail out more pages for Story 01. I presume everyone is looking forward to more soggy buddy v dino slurp. I know i am!




The obvious choice wins by a landslide X'D

Dragon _hero76

Rest your wrist, don't over Rush it.


“...I was getting worried i was going to be told to not use my wrist for a couple months, but he thinks the couple days a week i do here shouldn't cause any additional damage, as long as i focus on letting it heal...So yeah, im going to do this today, *a day early*, and then on friday i'll thumbnail out more pages for Story 01!” Uh, what about the ‘Rest and don’t Overuse your hand’ part? I feel like that was the important conclusion here!


He did not say NOT to work, he said not to overdo it. And keeping up with my patreon obligations are something i must do. I have 2 patreon days a week scheduled, and plan to stick to that. generally they're friday and saturday, but this week they're thursday and saturday. For the past few weeks i've i mean really for the past many months i've just worked constantly. work on client stuff, work on stuff i want to draw, hobby stuff, drawing on the ipad after a day of working, etc. It's crazy, and i have to stop doing all that. I wasn't told i have to immediately stop working, so i plan on working. I just can't be doing extra stuff


If for some weird reason you haven't gotten a wrist brace yet, do it. I wear that shit day and night when my wrists are acting up.


I've been wearing wrist braces to sleep for 2 years now. Started a couple years back, waking up at night with numb pinkies and ring fingers. I appreciate the advice though!

Leaf Bug

Just learn to draw with your other hand :y Okay but actually, prioritize your health man! I know you have obligations to patreon stuff but if it's getting bad then just do a poll asking if everyone's alright with you taking a break for a while or something. I know I'd keep my pledge up