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  • 02_25_cerv_tl.mp4



Edit : I'm going to Public this one early, to get more of these characters out there. 

Drew this up last night. Hands were weirdly unresponsive for a few  days, making drawing very difficult. it started during the Ch1 thumbnailing, but for obvious reasons i had to continue anyway.

Drawing this went pretty smoothly though, so it was a temporary, spooky issue.

Anywho, i saw my dr today about the numbness and i've gotten a referral to a surgeon, who will be able to further evaluate the issue. I'm good to draw now, though, i just really overdid it in the couple weeks following the dmcaissue.

I should be fine to thumbnail some more pages on saturday.


time lapse attached below~




I've gotta say, Cervolt is lookin just as amazing and sexy as Blake


A good ol filling~


I hope you're going to be okay, and that the numbness was a one time occurrence! Stay safe and stay well!


This is amazing! But take care of your hands and take more breaks if necessary. Gotta take of yourself priority #1.

Tao Bolton

Dang these two are my favorite new critters from for now, they're so cute ♥♥

Tao Bolton

I have the same problem with my hands getting numb when I overwork myself drawing, it's a pain. There's medicine to help with your blood circulation but it may be something else, I hope you find out what it is! ♥


gosh lookit this pair of cuties <3


I'm pretty happy with it~ still not totally convinced on the antlers, but that's still up to be adjusted. I love a cute deer character~


It's been like, minutely numb for a while, but it was the loss of fine motor stuff that was really, really alarming. Thankfully it was just an overuse thing. I've got the appointment to be evaluated by the surgeon next week, though, so hopefully there's more good news ahead. Thanks~


I'm trying! But i've really had to put my my wrist to the grinder lately, in light of the DMCA. To be honest all i want is to get back on comic production, to get things back to normal around here. The patreon pays for 2 days a week, but i've basically been going 7 days a week since feb 1st. It's a bit too much work for my wrist these days, but at least there doesn't seem to be some kind of permanent nerve damage


I was considering replacing aurora with a frozunny, but i have a feeling people prefer the cute deer / cute fox pairing more.


That's really unfortunate, have you seen a dr about it? No one has talked to me about circulation issues, but i know the veins on top of my drawing hand often bulge for no good reason. Maybe that's part o the issue. And thanks! I really love these two


I am a simple man, I see enormous cocks and upvote


Personally, I'd love to see Aurora as a Frozunny!


Peen looking thicker than the last deer 🦌 and output performance is now turned up to 11 with that jet! Deer has been upgraded!


that frozunny face there says it all~


Nose seems a bit longer than last time. Intentional tweek, or just perspective?


Fair! PI like the shorter head, mostly just because personal preference but also to further distinguish between air-horse and lightning deer. I'll be curious to see what the public consensus is. Also we haven't seen either of them colored yet, so I'll be interested to see if the final colored versions make a difference.


This is giving me new appreciation for the rabbits~ Both of them are cute as heck~ And to echo some of the others here, I hope the hand issues clear up soon enough, or at least has an easy adjustment to help!