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Evening! I spent basically all day on this, but we're in the juicy parts of this one now. I had to split page 18 into two pages, though, so we could get some more big panels in the porniest bits.

In page 01, you can see the tyranitar here fuming about a broken display. the context isn't super apparent in these sketches, but the lapras went to buy a drink, broke the counter, and in the commotion snagged her keg and bailed. The comic starts with her like, ready to leave the party, hiding in the shady water nearby.

Anyway the tyranitar is taking his shit and packing up, and stumbles onto the lapras, with his empty missing keg.

She hides the fact she was giving a dude a blowjob, and has to talk her way out of it, while the tyranitar misunderstands what she's doing.

But eventually she gets out of that situation, checks on the wet rat, and then the weird sexual encounter continues

Sorry if this kind of stuff is a bit out there for you! There's a reason it's only kind of adjacent to haven, after all. Hopefully you can dig the big tonguebath.


Anyway! Tomorrow i'm going to draw a sketch or two from the Sketch Suggestions post.

After that, i'm going to start up the next one, open to $10 and up patrons.

Then the week after that is the sketch poll~



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