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I'm feeling a bit better, and couldn't stand not working on haven today. Not the whole page, but the sketchover is done at least. I'll get the rest of the page out as soon as i've got time.


For people wondering about the medical stuff, lab results came back surprisingly healthy. a1c was 8.3, 7 being the threshold for 'hey you're diabetic' and 10 being what i had a few years ago, when i was initially diagnosed. So, even though i had a scary reading a few days ago, my blood sugar hasn't been super fucked up for the past few months in general.

So, now i finally have metformin, the 'you aren't so bad you need insulin' diabetes medication'. It's free, it turns out. Just like, the pharmacy gave it to me, $0.00.

So, all chances point to my awful brain fuck symptoms being related to suddenly dropping all carbs from my diet, feeling worse, not knowing why i felt worse, and freaking out about it. The anxiety made me feel worse, which made me more anxious, until i was a wreck apparently.

So, i'm not 100% atm, but i'm feeling better, and the timing is good because i have client work tomorrow that needs to be done.



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