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Had some family stuff i had to do today, so i doodled out some of these in the downtime.

So there's two things to note. First of all, sketching on the ipad is about as good as im going to get it, i think. I found that by hooking up a bluetooth keyboard, just the act of having my left hand on asdfSpacebar for my tools was really empowering, and i was working a lot faster, and much more deliberately with the pencil because i wasn't worried about making mistakes. Pretty good all in all, if only the stupid pencil wasn't so slippery on the screen.

Which brings me to my second thing. I brought the sketch over to my computer and decided to give it a once over with the cintiq, and the amount of physical control i have over that pen is so much greater than the apple pencil. I use the felt tip nibs on the wacom, and it just GOES where you tell it to. Whether it just gives you more control, or it's just what i'm used to after like a decade of using the felt nibs, i couldn't say. But goddamn it really tells me that i shouldn't be using the ipad ALL the time, for working. It's really nice to have whenever i'm away from my desk, but ultimately working on the cintiq is just a better experience that i'm more proficient at.

You can't properly appreciate the tools you've got, until you try not to use them~!

I think this is probably enough aurora practice. I found that in my attempt to do a SEXIER EYE i was like ruining her face :\ So, pushed a little simpler, because it's cuter.

Hope you all enjoyed your friday nights~



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