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I've been doing some traditional sketchwork (exercises, really). Thanks to your support, i don't have to stress about spending a bit of time just practicing, and these have been a lot of fun.

I've also been using it as an opportunity to practice alolan vulpix, trying to get a character down for something i'd like to start adding into the sketch polls. There'll be more information about that when i've got the time to roll some things out related to it, but for now, there's these~

Also, I think i'm going to start posting the images directly onto patreon. Everyone else does, i don't see much of a reason not to.

So! I've got work to do tomorrow, but when the poll's complete i'll make the roundup post like i always do for you all, and then tuesday i'll get on coloring whatever wins.

here are the links to the sketch pages i've been doing as practice, mind the traditional shakes.




- and the first one from 4 days ago. had a bad camera


What do you think? And how do you guys feel about snowpix getting fucked by the various island mons, since it's relevant to said practice~

Anyway, i'm headed to bed. See you tomorrow!


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