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Hey everyone!

Because I'm skipping the usual 3D-set model preproduction phase, i've jumped right into thumbnailing the next comic!

Because it's a 50+pager, it's going to be a little bit before i can start the normal weekly finished pages.

If you've been here for a while, you know the drill. The script has been finished for a bit, but the comic needs to be sketched out in its entirety before the usual schedule resumes.

I generally prepare some thumbnail highlights as i go, to give you guys something to look at without super spoilering anything, so look forward to those!


I'm also considering some slight adjustments to the patreon as a whole, similar to what seems to have worked well for kuroodod (different tiers are different amounts ahead of public release) but i haven't decided exactly how or if i'm doing that, but be aware that it's in the cards.

And, i'm sorry to say, i think it's finally time to un-grandfather the ancient $1 tier. (before the star system) It's been a few years, and the 15 cents i end up getting per pledge there is pretty rough. I'm not going to remove it, but expect fewer posts showing up available to that tier in the near future.

If you are in the legacy "basic supporter" tier, please consider jumping up to the 1 or 2 star tier, or if you can't, thanks for being here this whole time regardless, and i hope you continue to enjoy my work!


Anyway! That's the scoop! This comic's gonna be great, and i'm real happy with even these super rough thumbnails, so thanks for being here this whole time, and i hope you enjoy the next comic!




Wonder if we gonna reach new depths !


Those thumbnails alone are looking amazing, and have me sooo excited for this!! I wish you the best of luck!

