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  • JTH Public Teaser x.mp4



EDIT : File attachment is working again! The video version is below <3 sorry for the notification spam

The right hole is whichever fits best!


Hey! This roughly 1 minute preview will be going up publicly next week. You guys get it a little early~

> The full animation is here < , exclusive to ☆☆☆+ tiers! If you'd like to see jenny get filled with smozumi goo, go check it out!

And because there's a new exclusive animation, Bite Sized Part 2 is now public, so that's going up for everyone here as well.


This animation was a ton of work, and even if you choose to wait for the public release, I hope the goods included in the preview are enjoyable on their own <3




If you didn't see it, patreon's throwing me an error about filesize (it's way way under the limit) and it's also saying it can't take videos as attachments, even though it always does and literally did a few hours ago (as well as all my time lapses). I'm gonna try and fix it, sorry guys


Update : i can only assume you're only allowed to attach a certain number of videos / filesize per day and they don't tell you that, and i've posted 2 today. the public of bite sized part 2, and the full version of JTH. I'll have to wait until tomorrow, sorry everyone, i wanted the preview to go up the same day here for you all, but it won't let me attach it.


Update again : looked around, some users are experiencing difficulty attaching video files. I can only assume something broke between when i made the draft for BSP2 and when i went to make this post. There's nothing i can do about it for now. I'm going to try again later tonight and tomorrow, and if there's no change i'll reach out to support. My apologies, this is super obnoxious


I uploaded a gif version, so you can see it now. I'll try to solve the 'not taking video attachments' issue asap. sorry for the notification spam


The problem must have been on patreon's end. It seems fixed, i attached the video. Sorry for the notification spam, guys

Kane A-K E-N

All good man. Happy to see you do everything in your power for the fans


Dang, thought her tightest hole was her cervix *snaps fingers* one of these days I'll guess right.


Thank you~ it was super obnoxious how, on the most like 'hey guys uh, here's something you can get!' post, the system exploded and i had to keep notifying people. i felt awful about it, but what can you do you know


Depends on how soon eggs are expected, how pliable it is. I don't think her urethra has much give, compared