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We got a patron-only discord server prepared for you guys. It'll drop soon. Likely within a week. 

Probably should've asked this before hand, but is this something you'd use?

If you let us know what you think and share your ideas about what you'd like to see here, that would be amazing. It'll go a long way toward making something valuable for you guys.



It's still on the way everyone. Just needs more work. Thanks for your patience. Nathan will give an ETA when he's ready.


UPDATE: Clearly I figured out how to integrate the Patreon bot with the server and you guys got invites, but the server is definitely not ready yet! Apologies for the false start. Encouraging though to see so many of you guys join. ETA for the server release will be tomorrow! -Nathan

Dude Random

Don't worry about it, I was confused as to how I got on the server but then I saw the magnificent server profile and I realised I was in the right place