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LAO WEI!!! 😁️ Here's a player who's even older than Ye Xiu, retired a while back. Man was absolutely hilarious in the novel. He was excellently cast here and I've been looking forward to him. You'll learn more of his backstory later. (and yes, his business is shady af lol) So, as you noted, they plan to have a few more players, even if they can only field 5+1 at a time. The reasoning is that it allows you some redundancy, and also lends variation to your tactics in team matches, makes you less predictable. In fact, there's a team in the novel, called Heavenly Sword -- Ye Xiu met them in-game and gave them advice/coaching for a bit. This team was composed of 6 rich kids with decent skills, who recently banded up to form their own team. Seeing as they formed the team as passionate Glory fans, their plan was that the 6 of them would always be on the main roster, no matter what. However, Ye Xiu warned them against this, because it won't be long before they get completely dissected by other teams, if they present the same combo of players everytime and without being great shakes in tactics themselves. (That team didn't pass through the Challenger League. Instead, they chose the alternative path of paying the Alliance insane amounts to join up, at the tail end of the Pro League 20. Which is perfectly allowed.)


As for QYF and AWY, there's not much else to say there. Having read the novel, I can see what they were going at here with AWY. Last week, I mentioned that AWY's skills are average, other than this excellent Healing timing and judgement. In the novel, when Happy began to play other teams, people noticed that AWY always needed to be over-protected by his team, since he couldn't keep up with the match pacing. There were a lot of people advising the team to dump AWY and recruit another Cleric. But Happy ignored them and held on -- they even doubled down and got him some amazing equipment, that boosted his Heals immensely, so that each Heal he made had all that much more impact. Meanwhile, to improve his own reactions, AWY went into the game incognito and "terrorized" normal players, by signing up as sole-Healer for 50-player dungeons. Of course, team wipe-outs became very common, enough that he gained a reputation, people cursing him on the regular 😂️ not that he gave af Eventually though, people began to see his worth as Happy played more matches. Especially after Chad Xinjie himself, the God of Clerics, endorsed him after a match: "I see why Happy held on to you."


Oh, and that was excellent mimicry of QYF's one-smack-away-from-tears face 💀️ Hopefully, we won't be seeing any more of it