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The point of the show: Shounens are about the power of friendship. This show is about the power of family. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IQuc7wfO16Q

You would never guess that an anime about raising a family, polygamy antics, and "Men's Health" (Brandon's and my favorite euphemism for erectile dysfunction) is a fantasy isekai show. These topics usually describe some dumb harem or romcom slice-of-life anime. And for many of those shows, moral degeneracy is simply the name of the game. Want a harem (aka pseudo-polygamy)? Have at it. Want a girl who looks underage? Don't worry, she's actually 1,000 years old: it's just a race thing. Game is game.

Obviously I am being sarcastic here since Mushoku Tensei (MT) includes these tropes. They're typical of romcoms that aren't meant to be taken seriously. But despite MT including these elements, I will defend that this show is a masterpiece. The author (his alias is Rifujin na Magonote) has a specific purpose in mind with this narrative. Understanding that intent will reveal why people criticize this show.

Imagine yourself in the shoes of the protagonist. When the day of your parents' funeral arrives, you would rather jerk off to porn instead of attending the funeral. Okay, pause. What? Who wants to imagine that? How many people relate to that (or would even admit it)? Consider then why Rifujin puts this kind of a guy front and center to his story. He wants you to relate to Rudeus. Those who are willing to relate to Rudeus are Rifujin's target audience. Therefore, this show is absolutely not for everyone.

Rifujin clearly has a story he wants to tell and has no interest in preaching morality at all. Rather, the focus is on the well-being of Rudeus's soul. Let me sketch a summary of the show in terms of the state of Rudeus's soul. In the beginning, he gets publicly shamed by bullies and develops deep psychological and sexual trauma. He isolates himself. He dies in a pitiful state. Somehow, he is given another chance at life. Thanks to Roxy, he breaks free of his isolation from the world. Despite his dad's affair, his family stays together and works out their issues. At the first turning point, he gains a valuable companion with Eris and they grow together, searching for their families. They reunite with Paul but Rudeus and Paul hurt each other and cannot forgive each other. At the second turning point, Eris leaves because she is not strong enough to protect him. Rudeus, after having sex for the first time with someone he feels close to, gets abandoned and heartbroken. He gets erectile dysfunction. (Yes, that deserves its own sentence.) He cannot have sex with Sara. She is hurt by this and hurts him back. In return, he hurts Sara. They cannot forgive each other. Rudeus almost kills himself. He reunites with Sylphie who is willing to bear his burdens. They start a family. He reconnects with his sisters. At the third turning point, he sets out to find his mom, leaving behind his pregnant wife. He and his dad forgive each other. They find his mom. His dad dies. Roxy comforts him in another one of his lowest moments. Roxy gets added to the family.

From this sketch I hope you understand that sex and family are the core themes. Being shamed naked in public warped Rudeus's soul. Sexual perversion is a natural consequence of that. Intimacy is the way that Rudeus connects with other girls who can heal him. It's also the way that he gets deeply hurt. The same intimacy is also the beginning of family. Sex can also be the way to damage a family. Rifujin is seriously ambitious for writing about these things. He could force his own agenda, but many times Rifujin simply presents multiple characters' reactions to the drama and leaves us to decide on what conclusions to draw. Other authors will never touch these themes, and I don't blame them.

But, check any comments for MT on Youtube, Reddit, X, or other social media and you'll see that the discourse on this show revolves around morality issues. Rudeus is such and such years old so that makes him a groomer. Polygamy and cheating is wrong. Such and such behavior is misogynistic or shows toxic masculinity. What a tremendous waste of time! These debates show how divided the audience is: those who don't try relating to Rudeus cannot believe that a person like him can be redeemed, get better, or be forgiven. There are also claims that Rudeus doesn't deserve to be rewarded for the way that he behaves. Notice that "redeemed," "deserves," and "forgiven" are all spiritual words. That's what's at stake here in the story. That's also why the debates in this show are so fierce. Rifujin is exposing your very souls. Can you genuinely say that you could do better than the characters in their circumstances? And I've only elaborated on Rudeus's point of view; every other side character is treated with the same depth. I could go on about their stories too, but then I'd just be singing the same praises.

There are some complaints from the critics that I can grant. Rudeus's perverted expressions are weird. The panties gags don't really land for me. Roxy could just be a regular girl instead of being the old-but-looks-like-loli trope. Watching 10 year olds trying to get it on is also whack.

At this point it feels tedious to mention the show's other merits. The production is fantastic. The setting and world are so well-realized. The voice acting and character designs are top notch. I can't find any knocks here.

There's one last point I want to explain; I can't help but do some preaching and social commentary. Most stories feature heroes and villains. Both are relatable because they are men of action. They are figures who are noticeable; others pay attention to them; heroes are loved, villains are hated. But who writes stories about losers? Unlike heroes and villains, losers do not even get enough attention to warrant love or hate. Losers are unworthy of being associated with. If they died, it's almost as if no one would even notice. Yet in spite of all this, here is the story's central agenda. Pay attention to the losers. Care for them and help them. Rifujin presents a central means to accomplish that care: family.

Here's one QnA from ANN:

Some of the most controversial aspects of Mushoku Tensei are at the very start because it begins with Rudeus at his lowest. Looking back, are there ever times when you think “Maybe that was a little over-the-top” or “Maybe I should have held back a little”? Or do you think the balance was right for the story you wanted to tell?

Rifujin na Magonote: "I think the balance was right. Because he's a controversial character, his mountain of regrets makes the act of redoing life more meaningful.

Of course, I have no issue with criticizing Rudeus at the beginning stage, and it's up to you to decide whether you don't want to see the story because of that. With that said, if there's someone like Rudeus close to you and that person were to have even a slight change of heart and try to start over, I sincerely hope that you won't abandon them on the spot."

The Verdict: Forgiveness is possible for those who are truly sorry and repent for their sins. Checkmate atheists! 10/10



Now that's an effort I can respect, Enjoyed the hell out of it reading and your reaction to the show.


wow nice review ! really liked it and love to see that there is people that can understand mushoku tensei for the "The panties gags don't really land for me." yeah a lot of people for reactor have difficulty with this element yet it's a incredible element to have that represent the safety blanket when you are a child with the scent of you baby, the teddy bear or just any other plush for the most common thing that is reassuring, you have a deep connection with it, for exemple i have en ex that familly didn't really cared for her etc so she was a lot of time alone and she grow with keeping this connection with her plush for baby now only the head was still here and even that the head was torn, open etc it was a mess didn't even recognize what it is and the smell was horrible for me BUT for her it meant the world when she was sad, anxious, stressed, difficulty to sleep the just hold to it and keep smelling it and it was the most reassuring thing in the world and yeah we could make the assumption about panties it's weird but anything can be this "safety blanket" for us i know people that grow with deep attachment to a fork, a spoon, a letter, a tshirt from someone or other things that meant the world to them, so a panties doesn't shock me, i mean rudeus doesn't view it at a panties but at is reassuring and most precious things because it helped him to still be connected to roxy the one that saved him and help him to go outside to help him heal from his 30+ years of trauma and still feel her protection. and for Roxy could just be a regular girl instead of being the old-but-looks-like-loli trope i can agree in the pov of relationship only but i like to have that because it create a lot of interesting story to her, the insecure part of her of being tiny that keep coming back to her, the body that doesn't seem to be appeling for the criteria of this world she evens aid it in s2 with that the think she is unattrative i so no one would even be with her, the tiny thing a lot since s1 ep 1 and coming back a lot, the way she compare herself to other woman for example with elinalise in the demon continent she comparedd her body while looking at her and since she can live for 200+ years she better overcome these insecurity because if not it's gonna be long to deal with them for 200+ years, and every other member of her race are like that it's like it's only her for strange reason so it's perfect to feat in the fantasy of weird people wanting a loli in there anime to imagine fuck with ther (degenerate) it have a prupose for the point of view of the world, the world building, for her and her developpement, the way you manage time friend but familly too that are the same race of you young and long lived like s1 when she say i maybe come back in 20 or 50 years like wtf it seem so weir dfor us but seem so normal for them as always sorry for my english can't wait for s3 and your react to it and other show too


Ooo that example about the teddy bear makes a lot more sense now... I get it! People really do just need anything to comfort them And that makes sense about Roxy's character too. To be honest I had forgotten those details about Season 1. Looks like I'm due for a rewatch -Nathan