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Spoilers for the latest chapters!









Book one is winding down, and I wanted to share a few development notes. I’d also like to consider whether revisions make sense, so I would love to hear from you! I won’t say I’ll change something based on a suggestion, but I’ll certainly take it into consideration.

There were a couple of comments that the tactician trial seemed fast. I shortened that section because I was concerned there weren’t enough ‘stakes.’ There weren’t any life-or-death repercussions.

I thought about changing it up so that each person would lead an army which would then have to fight each other… but I wanted everyone to see Logan deploy the Cursed Rope to instigate the final fight.

Now… if you thought it wasn’t dragging and that you would have liked to read an expanded version of each trial, I might consider fleshing out those chapters.

I’m also considering making changes to the Idiot’s Reset chapter. I had that chapter outlined from the beginning. I wanted Logan to learn a lesson—that he had to be brutal, or he wouldn’t win.

Originally, I was also going to kill Asthea (not just take her arm), but some readers seemed to like her, and there’s nothing worse than reading about a character dying when you love the character. By letting her survive, it also created a future conflict possibility. However, it did create a problem… Logan had to learn to be ‘brutal’ to survive, but then he let her go which contradicts that choice.

I also just released the ‘Birth of a Star’ chapter on RR, and wow… I had no idea I would create that much blowback from having him not win the last True Grit Ring! If people were that upset about that… er, I’m a little concerned about the reset chapter.

So I’m thinking about revising it so he doesn’t die! Logan would realize halfway through the fight that he has to change his tactics to survive. That will create problems though—it’ll interfere with my AI minion reveal. I’m still thinking it over!

Anyway, I’m happy to hear your feedback. 😊





Personally I love what your written so far, but it seemed kinda pointless to keep asthea alive after killing her guards, or at least try and wake her up