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When I choose a pose from a picture I see online I usually imagine a line or a joke matching the picture. This is true also for this picture and it was easy because sometimes I have to do the same… by the way, I don’t really know how to do a proper massage, I know my moves are very effective, and that’s enough. maybe I should do a massage school so if I fail as artist I can have a plan B always involving my hand skills 😁

here is the video: https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/wjo4yqikgk1g3w1rx93xv/lowerback.mp4?rlkey=g2yww6s25qcto6q8bvvcxk722&dl=0



Joe Zuniga

Very nice!

Leland Gleason

As someone who’s been to massage school, I can say that it’s a handy 🖐️ 🤚 skill