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Here is the latest drawing I made on my sketchbook (but when you’re going to see this post I hope to have drawn more…). Here I mixed some tools like markers, red pencil and a ballpoint pen for the background, as you can see from the original pic. I wasn’t sure of the final result, so I captured the lineart only just to have a  backup of the drawing even if the complete version was a mess. Unfortunately it wasn’t and I processed and colored the complete version.

here is also the video: https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/g68afe0cks2kivbgvnqwl/molesketch11.mp4?rlkey=ozz0w4on9tul26nvuwqbwacv2&dl=0



Marcelo Calderon

Yes please let me know, I am very interested. Thank you!


She’s absolute perfection! Love everything you do!