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Today is the day Italy stops. More than the finals of the Soccer World Cup, the event that drains all the attention of the big part of the italian people is Festival di Sanremo, a song contest started 74 years ago and never stopped, not even during the pandemic. From Tuesday to Saturday, 30 artists, italian groups and singers perform to win the first prize. There are new and young artists but also very old ones that started their careers when i wasn't yet born (and I'm 43). In the Past years it used to be a very kitsch show, maybe also cringe, but in the last decade the quality of artists and songs improved. For example, Måneskin won Sanremo Festival, so the could go to Eurovision, then they won also there and became famous all over the world.
I will watch this literal marathon (each episode lasts from 4 to 5 hours every night) until i will fall asleep. For the occasion i drew this Jucika performing one of her most famous songs. She is a special guest as you can imagine, and even if she was engaged as solo artist, it seems she's not alone :D

In case you were asking. No, I won't stop, I will post normally despite Sanremo Festival!

