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And this year is about to end... Okay, it's not a big surprise, considering it has happened several thousand years before, more or less around this time. What always surprises is how quickly the years pass by! But can't we just take it easy and slow down a bit?

Aside from these silly thoughts, here's my very own wish for a happy new year. And since I used the "Happy new rear" joke with Charlie this year, let's go with "Fappy new year"! Unpredictable is my middle name :D

Anyway, I hope that 2024 is both happy and fappy for you and for me because when you're happy, you're also fappy, but the opposite is true too! With this burst of philosophy, I say you goodbye and... SEE YOU IN A YEAR! AHAHAHAAH! Okay, that's enough.

Here is the video: https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/hykutqd5ulw7yo4101rzw/charlie-fappy2024.mp4?rlkey=5ytsscshnfafwnqw7iskkvukq&dl=0




And a fappy new year to you, too! ❤️


Happy new year