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To be honest i don't feel Christmas spirit very much this year. 

I would like to start by saying that my way of expressing the Christmas spirit is not about decorating the house, putting up a tree, or singing Christmas songs. Feeling good about Christmas for me means creating fun and inspired themed drawings. This year, I'm managing to do the bare minimum with some effort. It's not that there's any specific reason; it's more like, looking around, I don't see any big reasons to celebrate.

I used to be more cynical and angry during these days, and I felt really bad during these holidays. Then I've realized that anger hurts me first, not those who are enjoying Christmas. Compared to about ten years ago, I'm doing a bit better, reasonably happy and minimally fulfilled (thanks, especially to all of you), so I've overcome my hatred for Christmas and the tendency to pretend to be happy at all costs. 

In years like this, between wars, climatic emergencies, crazy authoritarian people ruling or trying to rule big countries, intolerance and racism, it's challenging for me, but I prefer to express my discomfort with a comic strip like this one, rather than being unpleasant with others.

Excuse me for this little rant!



Just Another Guy

You're not alone. It's hard to be happy with so much suffering.

Erotica Fox

I really feel you, man. I think everyone deserves to have a little rant around the holiday season, especially in times like these. I would say being informed is good, but it might be good to step away from all that every now and then for your mental health's sake. Take care of yourself and have a happy holidays, man 👊

Leland Gleason

There’s so much going on, and it’s all overwhelming. I have to agree, that from time to time, turning off the news and unplugging is just as important as staying informed. I always enjoy your work Albo, and I know it’s foolish, but I hope every year is a little better than the last.