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I've discovered in the latest days the existence of this forgotten character from the Super Mario universe; apparently it should have been featured in some Nintendo sport games with Wario and Waluigi, the doppelgangers of Mario and Luigi, then she was discarded. In the past days someone rediscovered her and posted some sketches and designs. I fell in love with her and I started drawing. Here you can find 3 quick sketches and a full colored drawing! At first the real exclusive content was this last drawing, then i included the first 3 sketches.

But if you like the sketches too, you can adopt one of these first three drawings and i will do the full colored and redrawn version of it.  I will put the adoption tickets on Gumroad, one and only one for each drawing. Who buys it gets the commission. No add ons, no additional characters. The commission comes as it is.

Of course the price is lower than a real commission because you can't choose nothing in the request. I think it's a nice idea. Let's see if it works. Of course you will have a discount!
Here is the link: https://alboart.gumroad.com/ , this is the discount code: patreon1325
you will pay each commission 30€ instead of 40€.

Here is also the video of the last drawing: https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/7x6mfi3uj7gob148jgwdh/wapeach4.mp4?rlkey=hrmvkti9ps9c9xyodpfy3z8i2&dl=0



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