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If you're only reading this text without seeing the image, don't worry, I'm not changing genre, even if id' like to try taking some erotic photos one day or another.
You may find this drawing a bit similar to the one of last sunday, the one of the creampie, but i didn't realized it until i saved. Anyway there are differences betwien the twoo works and I find hot both for different reasons. I like how the roles here are switched and the girl is shooting while she's being eaten. 

Here is also the video... i had some rethinking while i was drawing it, as you can see: https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/hnivcxr0x3g29ayftqf2h/eroticphotography.mp4?rlkey=hfal10tnfx3dj6iipqxbyoabt&dl=0



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