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Ta-daaaaaa! You didn't see it coming, isn't it?
Ok, black is not properly a color, but the absence of them (or the sum of them if you use paints or inks), but how could I resist from not drawing Queen Tyr'ahnee for the black?
so here she is, in all her blackness!
Here is also the video: https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/vemqsckwze0hbzv4dwc76/colorwheel-tyrahnee.mp4?rlkey=81sugbunzrvr5jrb2j44kcv9v&dl=0

Here are all the previous drawings of the challenge! 




Woo! Yeah, I think white is the absence and black is the sum of all colors. Or something. 😅

Zak Lobato

I hope white is next


i'd like to add also white to this challenge, but i dont know where to put the character on the chart... maybe on the background! :D