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I know it's almost time for Halloween and you may think I'm posting this drawing because of that, but it's not the reason. Actually there is no reason. A long time has passed since the last time i drew them and i felt like doing it. And i know well that you love Velma and Daphne, you won't complain to see them here again, having fun together!
For this drawing I gave another chance to a special set of brushes that recreate the texture of copic markers. I didn't use them for a long time and this drawing, since is a bit rougher than others, looked to be the perfect one for this brushes and Im quite satisfied of the result.

Here is also the video of the making: https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/221z9rn5k3i0c6hvj3ysd/velmadaphne.mp4?rlkey=9nik2r8r41zlrljp3fbd04n0m&dl=0




Every day is a good day for Velma & Daphne! Or even just Velma! Va Va Voom!

Leland Gleason

Certainly no complaints from me.