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I don't know if this happens but sometimes i believe some of my fans think i live surrounded by models, in a Playboy's Mansion like Hugh Hefner or things like that, while instead i live an ordinary life (except my job which is pretty uncommon) and i met none of the model I draw. So when i say that i'm relaxing on my summer break someone could think i'm like the first drawing, while my summer break is more like the second image.
Just to put everything in the right perspective, and also to draw myself in a hot scene... the one with my cat Spettro on my pubis, it's very warm for the season!

here are the videos:

1 https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/6sz5zkc8lmzff5kduft27/albosummer1.mp4?rlkey=q32ai9p3kylm2hxq2a2rr9r5k&dl=0



Leland Gleason

Both options look like a pretty good life. 😁