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After a very long time, here is Nina (the main character from “Blind Date”, read it here) in a new drawing. She was one of the first OC I created after a long time of lack of good ideas. Probably I should thank her because she unlocked my creativity, giving me the opportunity to create other characters, like Jade, Crys, Himitsu and Charlie!

I still want to draw a second episode of lind date, but what I don’t have now is the time to thinking about it and doing something good. At least I can do these one  shots (yes, pun intended!)

i’m still using Clip Studio Paint on iPad, and I’m sorry for the brush I used, when I was drawing it seemed better, but now it’s too low-fi. I will use it only to do sketch’s or rough coloring

here is the time lapse video: https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/2e6vudc8rb0l3e9p3aedg/nina-thinking.mp4?rlkey=t45od6cq0zdfcbns76m86ubf6&dl=0



Leland Gleason

Blind date was a ton of fun, I’d love to see more of it.