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I hadn't planned any posts for today, but then yesterday here in Italy Silvio Berlusconi decided to die and so nothing else was talked about. For those who don't know, Berlusconi was first a big tycoon in the media and TV, then to better protect his interests and to shield himself from accusations of corruption he decided to set himself up to rule Italy for about fifteen years, with the approval of most Italians. recently, after serving a sentence he had returned to politics, but in a more secondary role.

In the past I happened to draw him several times in satirical cartoons. Because of his views, his past, his way of being, and his attraction to women, he could not go unnoticed. 

Now already the rehabilitation of his figure is on the horizon, when the corpse is still warm. I promised myself not to say much and draw anything, because he was now part of history and to see him appearing very ill at his party's conventions almost put me in a sad mood. 

But now that they want to give him a state funeral and proclaim national mourning for him, one who despised the institutions he governed, silenced those who opposed him, one who sowed the seeds for what we now have in charge, I got pissed off and so here is my very personal farewell to this asshole.

Just a little note for the title: it means "funeral services" but "pompe" in Italian is another way to call blow jobs. Very appropriate for someone like him. 

Here is also the video: https://www.dropbox.com/s/jcodx280v8c83q1/jade-rigormortis.mp4?dl=0



Rankin Bass

Nicely done! Here in the US, I was happy to see Pat Robertson kick it last week.

Erotica Fox

Yay, another selfish prick who's left this existence!


Birds of a feather... (or at least birds of a political position, ha ha ha) "Only the good die young" applies in these 2 cases !