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That's what "The Flintstones" theme song said, isn't it?
Today I wanted to show you something different, a work i really loved doing. and i'm used to post here the thing i like to do, no matter what category it is. I made this commission for my friend Sandchan, i will never stop thanking him for making me draw this kind of things, together with Eugenio's strips. Some years ago this kind of drawings would be out of my comfort zone. Now it's normal for me to draw them,  I like doing it and I'm pretty proud to show them to you.

One thing I realized (and i consider it a great achievement) drawing nsfw stuff is that it's not important if you're drawing two men, two women or trans girls having sex; you're trying to express the excitement, the pleasure, the lust, the joy of something you should keep hidden in your public life. When you focus on this, even if you're straight, you can like and get excited also seeing two men making out. It's on the artist to do a good job and express in the best way this thing.
That's what I try everyday to do with my works.



Benjamin Rodriguez

Will you make a comic out of this? I need more😍

Leland Gleason

That’s well spoken, and you DO bring excitement to everything you create!