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I’m always pretty scared by doing these Chinese New Year celebrations! Everytime I draw something like that, something awful happens! It happened in 2020, it happened last year… who knows what will happen this year!

by the way, Chinese New Year starts at the end of the month, then it’s a bit too early to celebrate it, but in my bubble I saw a lot of bunny girls and rabbit themed drawings, so I decided to jump now on the bandwagon and doing it now, also because Charlie strips are on a break and I need something to draw today!

Click on the link if you have troubles with the preview: https://www.dropbox.com/s/69l8o3ny242o9pd/charlie-yearoftherabbit.mp4?dl=0




If it helps calm you down, it's not your drawings making the world go coo-coo. It manages all on its own.