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one of the things my girlfriend taught me is making favors to your future self. It happens normally when you have a bit of free time to do something in advance and relieve the to-do list of the coming day. Nothing special, but calling it “doing a favor for tomorrow’s Albo” gives more the idea of a special care for ourselves. I love so much this idea and I do it often, not literally for tomorrow, also for all those times I can have any kind of troubles, like these days. I’m sick, I got a flu, not covid luckily but i had temperature, cough, sneezing and all those beautiful things that comes with the cold season.
so here is one of the doodles I made on my moleskine some time ago and I keep for situations like this.

by the way this is also a post to apologize in advance if I don‘t post each day this week. Of course I will post the exclusive content (unless I reach again 1000$/month will be only one, posted on Sunday), but I cannot guarantee for the other contents, except for Charlie’s strip, which is almost done.

i hope to post here new stuff in the next few days, or at least some other favor from the yesterday’s Albo!

Click on the link if you have troubles with the preview: https://www.dropbox.com/s/41hdunoxkei7fn9/molesketch4.mp4?dl=0




Lovely drawing. And I hope you feel better soon.

Leland Gleason

Get better, good sir. This a great drawing, and a fantastic idea! She’s onto something clever, a wise way to reward future selves. I may have to do this for myself, thank you girlfriend of Albo for the recommendation!