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Inktober it’s time And life absorbing, and then, while I’m here getting crazy to figure out what to draw everyday, it’s almost Halloween out there!

I have to confess I’m not into Halloween, when I was a child it was a northern American holiday we saw on tv and movies, nothing more. Since 2000 I noticed that kids started to adopt this festivity and Now it’s not unusual to see kids in costumes during that night, there are masked Halloween parties, decorations and so on, I suppose some marketing people did a good job with their campaign!

anyway, even I’m not used celebrating Halloween, I know it’s a good source of inspiration if you have to do a drawing each day and so here is a zombified Charlie!

damn she’s too cute even if she’s ruined and half rotten!

Click on the link if you have troubles with the video’s  preview: https://www.dropbox.com/s/abf1j4wi4kg1hyb/inktober18scrape.mp4?dl=0



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