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Here is something different from the inktober flood of these days!

im back drawing Velma because the past week a lot of news sites told you that Velma came out because in the next movie she will flirt with this pretty and fancy lady, Coco Diablo! This sensational news made me laugh if we think how all nsfw artist draw Velma, she’s not lesbian, we could say she is the portrait of pansexuality… if only journalists knew Rule 34!

anyway, here is also the video. you will notice a floating face appearing into the drawing at some point… I was taking note of a face, but then I remembered it would be seen in the video XD

Click on the link if you have troubles with the preview: https://www.dropbox.com/s/yesdgqk8gwigvju/velmacoco.mp4?dl=0



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