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Today we have a special guest: she’s Arisa, a very talented and well known Italian singer. This drawing is inspired to the post she made on Instagram to promote her new song, “Tu mi perdición”. She recently enjoyed to show her sexy side and I appreciate that a lot, because even thanks to public figures like her can be spread the message that showing our naked body it’s ok, it’s a way of communicate and myopic and bigoted social media can’t do anything with it. It’s more hard for them to remove or taking countermeasures against celebrities. I hope in the future other open minded people like her can do the same and break a bigoted system.

The first drawing is my version of her original pic, the second one is how I imagine her without covering hands.

The time lapse video of this drawing will follow in a couple of minutes.




Manca la seconda immagine =(


Lovely Albo, classy too