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Maybe you've heard of it, during a Zoom conference of the Italian Senate, someone shared a p0rn video, featuring Tifa from Final Fantasy. It was fault of the same senator who organized that conference, she shared all the data of the meeting, including the zoom passcode, on facebook!
Now the internet is full of Tifa and taking advantage of the italian political event in these days, the election of the new President of the Republic, i've drawn my Tifa as the new President of the Republic!
Benvenuta Signora Presidente! :D

By the way, the palace in the background is the Quirinale, the residence where the President of the Republic lives and works, in Rome.




You could do much worse than Tifa! She‘s a hands on kinda gal! Italian elections are always fun. I still remember the model offering blowjobs to voters.

Sandchan Casali

AAAHHHHH DUE PAROLE : Absolutely gorgeous! :D