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After the last post of Sisters of Crucifux you gave me some very nice feedbacks and then i've decided to do more of them... this will be the first of a series of posts i will dedicate tho the Sisters from time to time, i hope you like them :)

Italian version below

The two novices had been given permission by the mother superior to visit their sister.

The sister was not in her ordinary cell but in an observation cell. The sister in question was in fact pregnant. It is not often that sisters who are devoted to chastity have this kind of problem; it is detrimental to the good name of the convent if it happens. That is why the sister, at the first symptoms of her particular condition, was hidden from her sisters, who thought she was ill. They certainly had suspicions, but no one, with a few exceptions, was allowed to visit her.

It had also been hidden because it was not clear who was the author of this prodigy. Not many males had access to the convent. Some sisters certainly had frequent contact with the reverend exorcist, as a student of demonology.The poor girl claimed to have been possessed by the devil and that this was the fruit of possession, as did the reverend exorcist, so as not to ruin his successful career. 

The two novices, who were also in their early years of studying demonology, had therefore come to her to examine and observe her closely. Perhaps the pregnant sister's words were not entirely unfounded, they had to be investigated. Soon the atmosphere in the dank cell became very perverse, the sight of that body full of sin, whatever it was, disturbed the two young novices who indulged in sinful effusions with the wicked sister. It was only the beginning of a repulsive and lustful examination of their sister.

Italian version:

Le due novizie avevano avuto il permesso dalla madre superiora di andare a visitare la sorella.

La sorella non si trovava nella sua cella ordinaria ma in una cella di osservazione. La sorella in questione infatti era gravida. Non succede spesso che le sorelle, votate alla castità, abbiano questo genere di problemi; lede al buon nome del convento che accadano simili fatti, anzi. Per questo la sorella, ai primi sintomi di questa sua particolare condizioni era stata nascosta alle sue consorelle, che la sapevano malata. Sospettavano certamente qualcosa, ma nessuno, con poche eccezioni, poteva andare a visitarla.

Era stata nascosta anche perché non era chiaro chi fosse l’artefice di questo prodigio. Non erano tanti i maschi che potevano accedere al convento. Di sicuro la sorella aveva frequenti contatti con il reverendo esorcista, in quanto studente di demonologia. La poveretta sosteneva infatti di essere stata posseduta dal demonio e che questo era il frutto della possessione; così diceva anche il reverendo esorcista, almeno per non rovinare la sua fin qui fortunata carriera. 

Le due novizie, anch’esse ai primi anni degli studi di demonologia, si erano dunque recate da lei per esaminarla e osservarla da vicino. Forse le parole della sorella gravida non erano del tutto infondate, bisognava indagare. Presto l’atmosfera in quell’umida cella si fece molto perversa, la visione di quel corpo gonfio di peccato, qualunque esso fosse, turbò le due giovani novizie che si lasciarono andare a peccaminose effusioni con la scellerata sorella. Era solo l’inizio di un ributtante e lussurioso esame della loro consorella.




I love this! Very nice idea and theme!

Leland Gleason

The story is a great addition!