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Non potevo non fare nulla per salutare Bud Spencer, è stato una presenza fissa nella mia infanzia e ancora adesso rivedo con piacere i suoi film più riusciti. Quindi pensare che adesso non c'è più e restano soltanto i suoi film è un po' strano... 

Mi piace pensare che ora distribuirà hammer punch a destra e a manca in paradiso, quel posto sì che è monotono, ci vuole un po' di movimento!


Yesterday Bud Spencer, stage name of Carlo Pedersoli, passed away at 86. He was one of the most beloved italian actors by kids and adults of any age. With Terence Hill he made a lot of action comedies  and some spaghetti western across the end of the  Sixties and the half of the Eighties. 

In this drawing there's a quote from the last brawl scene of "Altrimenti ci arrabbiamo" ("Watch out we're mad" in english): Bud knocks at the door of a restaurant managed by the boss of a gangsters group. He asks to open the door. From the door they answer "Why? Otherwise you'll get mad?"  Bud (and Terence Hill) say: "We're already mad!", then they jump into their car and break the door with their car.

Here there is the same dialog at the door, but this time it's the heaven's door. Title is "the last fight" 



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